
Spooky Themes is a curated directory of the best free and premium Ghost themes. We search through numerous theme marketplaces and Github repos to bring you only the best Ghost themes that meet our design standards.

When we find a theme we like, we add it to our directory and write a short review. Just the nuts and bolts — no fluff. On each theme page, you can see the latest price and try a live demo. That way, you can quickly decide if the theme is right for you.

There are over 100+ Ghost themes to choose from and not all of them are up to snuff. Some are outdated or abandoned. Others have technical issues, nonexistent support, or bad customer reviews. We filter those themes out to make your decision-making process easier.

If you're a theme author and you'd like to add your theme to our directory, or if you're starting a Ghost site and would like us to recommend a theme, please get in touch.